Basic Online Organizing

Posted by | April 14, 2015
It’s the Creative, Stupid! Using Content to Drive Your Message from Facebook and Instagram

Join the political team from Facebook and Instagram to dive into the world of digital creative. What is creative content? How do you find a creative voice in the noisy...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
Creative for All: The Keys to Creating Compelling Content

Come learn the basics for getting creative ideas up and running efficiently and in-house. We'll cover everything from breaking down key messaging into a strong and sharable graphic image, to...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
We’re Not Upworthy: Social Media for Organizations With No Money, Time or Resources

Social media can be a fickle and frustrating beast, especially for organizations that don’t have a lot (or any) money, staff or time to put into mastering its constantly changing...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
Problem, Platform, Program: Developing a Successful Campaign Strategy for Issue Advocacy

So you want to make a difference. Now what? This training will help you develop a common vocabulary and methodology to put together a winning campaign strategy. We’ll help you...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
7 Legal Rules for Online Advocacy That Everyone Should Know

Can a c3 lose its tax status over a careless tweet? What happens when a politician “likes” your organization’s Facebook page? Social media can help an organization shape public policy,...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
Making it Rain: Donor Research and Baller Asks

Improving your fundraising is critical, whether you’re running a small grassroots campaign or running for office. Our exercise-based curriculum will help you learn hands-on how to research donors and ask...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
Face It: Design to Hack Peoples’ Minds

Ever wonder why certain ads, mailers and other creative designs attract you more than others? It's a question that designers ask themselves every day. Learn about how artists have been...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
Email Campaigns that Engage Activists, Raise Money and Move Your Mission

Email programs often have conflicting priorities: budgets need to be met, activists are waiting to be engaged and you have to keep working to meet your organization’s mission goals. This...

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Posted by | June 19, 2014
Engaging and Growing Your Supporter Base with Google Tools

Whether your goal is to reach new supporters or deepen existing connections, there are a variety of digital tools and platforms to take your outreach to the next level. This...

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Posted by | April 2, 2014
Level up: A graphic design primer

So you want to be a graphic designer? We’re surrounded by designers’ fingerprints on our phones, billboards, mailers, even the logos on our clothes. Where do you begin? Join this...

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