Michael Roosevelt is a trained psychotherapist with undergraduate and graduate degrees in psychology from San Francisco State University. He completed post-graduate training in clinical psychology at Children’s Hospital, Oakland, California, where he treated children and families and conducted psychological assessments and personality evaluations. Michael Roosevelt designs and delivers programs for judicial officers, lawyers, court staff and administrators, public and private agencies on diversity matters. He developed and taught Beyond Bias: Assuring Fairness in the Courts, a fairness and diversity curriculum for court staff. This three-hour training consisted of modules on culture, bias, stereotypes, perception, disability, and sexual orientation. This comprehensive curriculum was designed and delivered to reach 15,000 court employees. To reach that audience, he delivered the curriculum and conducted train-the-trainers throughout the state of California. The curriculum has become the standard throughout the state for covering diversity topics. He also develops judicial, court staff programs covering implicit and unconscious bias with a focus on mediating its impact on decision-making. Mr. Roosevelt’s model implicit bias education program is designed to help people and organizations understand how the mind works and what can be done to mediate the influence of bias in human interactions and decision-making. The presentations that he and his colleague delivers are grounded in the neuroscience and social psychology. His programs are not off the shelf, but designed to fit the organization, agency or department needs. The programs he delivers are very practical and applicable to work and one’s personal life. Mr. Roosevelt is faculty for the National Judicial College, University of Reno-Nevada, serves on the Board of Directors for the Bay Area Chapter of Black Psychologists and Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth and actively support the Love Not Blood Campaign.