Starts: Friday, Jul. 18 4:30 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Jul. 18 5:45 PM (Eastern)
Join us for a chance to continue the conversations focused on women’s progress and empowerment. How can we build an inclusive feminist movement that works for women of all colors and backgrounds? How can we set aside our own privileges and reclaim “feminism” for all women? How can we address the various issues without silencing voices? Let’s discuss real solutions and come up with plans to move forward, together.
Jenifer Fernandez Ancona is Vice President of Strategy & Member Engagement at Women Donors Network, and has a wide range of experience in communications, donor organizing, strategy development, grassroots organizing, and multi-racial coalition building. She was Director of Strategic Communications at Citizen Engagement Laboratory, where she helped to launch and grow progressive online organizing initiatives focused on communities of color, including and Previously, Jenifer served as a Senior Advisor to Steve Phillips and Susan Sandler, as a consultant to the Democracy Alliance, as a top legislative aide in the California State Assembly, and as a news reporter for the Los Angeles Times. She serves on the Boards of Netroots Nation Education Foundation, CEL, and National People’s Action.
Other sessions: Challenging the Dramatic Under-Representation of Women and People of Color in Political Office
Sex Positive writer/blogger and mental health Social Worker from New York City. Love & Sex Section Editor at Host of TWiB: After Dark podcast. Contributor to Salon, HuffPost Live. Former columnist for Public Speaker. Mom.
Other sessions: Black Feminism's New Wave
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.