Session Type(s): Training, Virtual Only Session, Streamed Session
Training Tag(s): Basic Online Organizing
Starts: Tuesday, Jun. 27 1:00 PM (Central)
Ends: Tuesday, Jun. 27 2:00 PM (Central)
Room: Virtual
From Superheroes to Soccer to K-Pop, people build community around pop culture they love. With or without movement organizations, fandoms are taking action for social change. Nonprofits and campaigns need to engage people where they are, with the stories they already love and share. But not every campaign experiences success and buy-in with fans. In this session, we’ll explore how to find and engage key fan partners, build pop culture campaigns, and turn fans into engaged and impactful activists!
Elana is Program Director at New Media Mentors, the official trainings partner of Netroots Nation. Through NMM progressive organizations can access training in social media skills any time online.
Elana joins New Media Mentors after serving as digital director for labor unions and community based organizations and has lead trainings for over 4,000 progressives as co-founder of the Organizing 2.0 conference.
Listen to Elana’s podcast about the intersection of comics, nerd culture and social change, Graphic Policy Radio, on any podcast platform.
Elana tweets about the labor movement, New York politics, online organizing and superhero comics at @Elana_Brooklyn.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.