Same s**t, different gains: Securing a future for the labor movement

Same s**t, different gains: Securing a future for the labor movement

Starts: Thursday, Aug. 2 3:30 PM (Eastern)

Ends: Thursday, Aug. 2 4:45 PM (Eastern)

The labor movement experienced some of it’s greatest challenges, and victories in the past year. Join other trade unionists this Thursday from 2:30-4:30, as we explore what is working for us and productive solutions for the labor movement we are trying to build. ✊

This is a closed caucus.


C.M. Files

C.M. Files

CM is a Washington, D.C. based organizer and digital strategist, with 10+ years of experience in electoral and issue based organizing. They have spent the last four years collaborating and leading the digital strategy efforts for the AFL-CIO.

my website