Chairman’s (Emeritus) Pub Quiz: The One that Goes to Eleven, but Not the Eleven from Stranger Things
Chairman’s (Emeritus) Pub Quiz: The One that Goes to Eleven, but Not the Eleven from Stranger Things
Session Type(s): Special Event
Starts: Friday, Aug. 11 7:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Aug. 11 9:00 PM (Eastern)
After our first Pub Quiz in 2007, the New York Times’ Katherine Q. Seelye apologetically had to explain to her readers that our participants were not booing Mother Theresa herself; only the fact that almost no one had correctly identified her as the answer to a question. This year, expect more of the same, only louder: a raucous celebration of our Netroots community, anchored in a group trivia contest which has had rounds ranging from Political Resurrections to Famous Wolverines to Detroit Song Lyrics to an all-Joe Biden category. We’ll supply the refreshments, prizes, and a lot of good trivia; you bring the teams of 8-10 and the chanting, but please, for the love of God, leave the vuvuzelas at home. (Don’t have a team yet? No problem: they’ll form on-site as well.) We can keep the room peanut-free, but I am making no promises about the questions.
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Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.