
Netroots Nation: Speaker/Trainer Profile

The below profile is for an individual who spoke at a Netroots Nation event. Their views are their own and may not represent the view of the Netroots Nation organization or its staff, volunteers or board members. Note: Speakers cannot be contacted through Netroots Nation. Please contact the individual directly through their website, email or social media.

Yesenia Rodriguez

Yesenia Rodriguez has been a member of Youth United for Change's Leadership Committee and Research Committee for the past two years. She has been actively working for more mental health policies to be implemented in the Philadelphia School District by organizing students, giving testimony to City Council, co-authoring the National Women's Law Center's mental health report, and meeting with school district officials. She believes access to quality education is the most effective way solve most if not all of the world's problems. She plans to bring this passion to college this next school year, and has aspirations of going into diplomacy.

Netroots Nation participation