I've been at Midwest Academy for two years. Since then, I've worked with students in California on a divestment campaign, a national faith-based coalition working to end Mass Incarceration, campaigns to decriminalize personal drug use, groups working to prevent school closures in Philadelphia, statewide coalitions to stop the passage of anti-immigrant laws in Alabama. I also run the Academy’s internship program, teach a graduate course in Organizing at Loyola University and train at the Academy’s 5-day Organizing for Social Change trainings. Before Midwest Academy, I worked on campaigns to ensure equitable access to jobs for low-income people, efforts to expand and protect tenants rights in New Orleans, Healthcare Reform, building support for the Employee Free Choice Act and organizing in response to anti-labor laws in India and Ohio in 2011. I migrated from Jamaica 13 years ago, and have been organizing for close to 9 years.