A 29+ year veteran of the UFW, Jocelyn Sherman is the UFW’s in house Digital Director. She is directly responsible for developing the UFW’s digital program including their email list, action alerts, online petitions, online fundraising, etc. In addition she has developed and evolved the UFW’s social media program--Twitter, Facebook, Twitter, youtube, Instagram--and launched the UFW’s original www.ufw.org website and all subsequent launches. When asked why the UFW is making such use of this technology, Sherman replied, “Cesar Chavez would have loved it. It’s this generation's version of the picket line and social activism and holds tremendous organizing possibilities.” She has helped orchestrate campaigns that ensured farm workers contracts, better living and working conditions, protection from pesticides, heat law protections and overtime protections in CA. Sherman has worn many hats in her work with the UFW over the years varying from community organizer, to Hollywood/celebrity coordinator to communications manager to her latest role as digital director.