For seventeen years, Ileana Jiménez has been a leader in social justice education. In an effort to inspire teachers to bring women’s, queer, and ethnic studies to schools, she launched her blog, Feminist Teacher, in 2009. She is the founder of the #HSfeminism hashtag. Ileana travels nationally and globally launching a movement to bring feminist, anti-racist, and queer issues to schools. In 2010, she was named one of the 30 Women Making History by the Women’s Media Center and one of the 40 Feminists Under 40 by the Feminist Press. In 2011, she was the recipient of the Distinguished Fulbright Award. In 2012, she appeared on the Melissa Harris-Perry Show. She has written for Feministing, Gender Across Borders, the Huffington Post, Ms. Magazine, On the Issues, and the Women’s Media Center. She received her B.A. in English Literature at Smith College, and an M.A. in English Literature at Middlebury.