
Netroots Nation events will be held at the America’s Center Convention Complex in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. If you’re new to Netroots Nation, you can get a sense of what the event looks like by checking out our schedule overview. Below you can view panels, training sessions, keynotes and other content as sessions and speakers are confirmed.

Highlights for Netroots Nation 2016 include:

  • 90 panels and 45+ hands-on training sessions
  • Local activism
  • A progressive film Screening Series
  • Annual events including our pub quiz, comedy show and candidate reception and much more to be announced!

Order by:

Using Digital Ads to Boost Your Multi-channel Campaign

Multi-channel campaigns are proven money raisers. But are you using every tool available? Using digital ads to boost your multi-channel campaigns will give you the information you need to take your campaigns—donor acquisition, appeals and even sustainer upgrades—to the next level by incorporating digital ads. We will discuss setting goals and measuring success for your whole campaign and the ad channel, how effective targeting makes a difference, best practices for creative and more! Featuring case studies and tried-and-true tips, you’ll leave ready to incorporate digital ads into your next campaign.

This training intended for those who are planning multichannel campaigns and are ready to incorporate digital advertising into their campaign plans.

Trainers: Colleen Hutchings, Allison Weston

Mindful Communication: 5 Steps to Getting the Best Outcome from any Conversation

As activists and organizers, we know the challenges that can arise in effectively communicating and getting the outcome we desire from conversations or meetings. We too often get in our own way when we communicate, leading to conflicts or outcomes that are less than desirable. Fortunately, there are proven mindfulness and communication techniques that can help you get the best outcome out of a conversation, make your meetings run smoother and transform conflict into new, creative opportunities. Join us to learn—and practice—five fun, effective and empowering techniques that will take your communication ability to the next level.

No prior experience is required. This session is designed for people who have no mindfulnessness experience or communication training and for those who may have considerable training and experience.

Trainers: Charlie Rebich

Digital Organizing on a Dime: The Low-cost Tools You Need to Launch a Digital Program

These days, you can build a website for just $5. You can deliver hundreds of thousands of petition signatures for the cost it takes to print them. You can focus the world’s attention on an issue for the cost of a cheap mobile phone. You don’t need big bucks to launch a successful digital program. This session will take you through the cheap and free tools you need to start connecting with supporters, raising money and winning advocacy campaigns today. Case studies of scrappy organizations who have punched above their weight will be used to illustrate how to use these tools.

This training is for first-time digital campaigners or for experienced pros who may be starting a scrappy new venture.

Trainers: Julien Burns, Anna Hovland

Advanced Organizing Strategies for Immigration and Criminal Justice

The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 created the pathways to the criminalization of immigrants that we know today. Since then, millions of immigrants have languished in detention facilities and jails and many face deportation and separation from their families. This training gets at the root of the problem by connecting the conversations around immigration and criminal justice reform. Using examples from the #HoustonBeyondICE/#HoustonSinMiedo campaign’s current fight against 287(g) immigration contracts in Harris County Jails, we’ll focus on how to build and strengthen coalitions between immigrant youth, black youth, and criminal justice organizers. We’ll also cover communications strategies for talking about criminal justice and immigration and show you how to build power to influence local law enforcement.

This training is best suited for those with medium expertise in immigration and criminal justice related topics.

Trainers: Ambar Pinto, Maria Trevino

Grassroots Power: How to Beat the Koch Brothers at Organizing

With organizers in 30 states and more than 900 staffers, the Koch Brothers are trying to beat progressives at their own game—grassroots organizing. We need to double down on effective field organizing. Join us for a look at the Koch field network and a discussion of best practices for how to mobilize voters to defeat the far right. We’ll also talk tactics for mobilizing both the New American Majority and working families to turn out to vote.

Led by: Keith Ellison

Panelists: Adriana Barboza, Kelly Beadle, Matt Morrison, Aaron Strauss

How the Next President Can Bust Up Big Corporations

The next Democratic president may face a Republican Congress. Some say nothing can get done. Yet, lots can be done by using existing executive powers that were granted as far back as 1890 but are under-utilized today. Antitrust law is a top power the next president can use. On the campaign trail, candidates have talked about breaking up Too Big to Fail banks. Across America, hundreds of once-competitive markets for goods and services are now controlled by a few firms, feeding economic inequality and hindering entrepreneurship, innovation and price and wage competition. Top experts will lay out a blueprint for the next president to use antitrust law as a game-changer in the economic lives of millions.


Led by: Sarah Miller

Panelists: David Dayen, Lina Khan, Barry C. Lynn, Sarah Miller, Zephyr Teachout

The Rise and Fall of the GOP Gerrymander: The Fight for Progressive Redistricting Continues

In 2011, Republican state legislators drew outrageous partisan and racial gerrymanders—at times, even bragging about their skills at skewing lines—while Democrats in the biggest redistricting states were forced to watch from the sidelines as future elections were rigged to favor the Tea Party. In 2016, Democrats are fighting back. State and federal courts have struck down Republican-drawn maps in Florida, North Carolina and Virginia because of the extreme measures Republicans took to enshrine partisan and racial discrimination into legislative and congressional districts. Alabamas discriminatory legislative districts might soon be next. Join us as we talk about the Democratic plan to prevent GOP gerrymandering after 2020.

Led by: Carolyn Fiddler

Panelists: Rep. Larry Hall, Jessica Post, Rep. Katrina Shankland

What Does it Mean to be Progressive on Israel and Palestine?

In the Spring of 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed himself as a partisan Republican in a way that he hadn’t publicly before. This created the space for “mainstream” progressivism regarding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Put another way, it became more comfortable to identify as an American whose progressive values apply to United States politics as well as the situation in the Middle East. But what does that mean? From Israeli settlement expansion to the BDS movement to the peace process to human rights, the progressive space has paved several paths toward the common goal of peace. This panel seeks to have a constructive conversation about the merits of various approaches from organizations active on the issue.

Led by: Mitchell Plitnick

Panelists: Joseph Berman, Lara Friedman, Heather Hurlburt, Yousef Munayyer

Beyond Bars: Feminist Perspectives on (and Alternatives to) the Criminal Legal System

The criminal legal system has drawn wide condemnation from progressives, including both democratic presidential candidates. Yet its impact on individuals and communities—Black, queer, Muslim, woman, immigrant—is far from widely understood. We lack popular alternatives to the system, one which has historically been built and fueled by white men for their own financial gain. What do today’s feminist leaders of color say about this racist and hyper-masculine capitalist enterprise? What alternatives to prisons are they proposing to hold our communities accountable for harmful behavior, such as gender-based violence? What other solutions can we imagine? And how can we build alternatives without recreating racist and sexist violence

Led by: Lori Adelman

Panelists: Rose Afriye, Josie Duffy Rice, Mahroh Jahangiri, Erika Jones

How to Have a Conversation About Race Without Everyone Running Out of the Room

This nation and, more importantly, our unions have always been uncomfortable when it comes to addressing racial inequalities in an honest and solution-oriented way. In this workshop, union leaders, educators and community organizers will present strategies on how to approach the conversation on race when interacting with different ideologies. Our unions are agents of change, and we should not be afraid of having tough dialogue. Some folks are in denial, many are tired, but everyone is still learning. This workshop will share the best tools and tips for how to lead your union and your community to addressing the sensitive and critical issue of racism in America.

Led by: Carmen Berkley

Panelists: Gregory Cendana, Regena Thomas, Robin Williams

#WomenVote #BreakingThrough: Building Power for Systemic Change to Lift Our Nation

Momentum is building for long-needed systemic changes in our nation. People across the nation and leaders at all levels are increasingly understanding that true economic security can’t happen without specific, focused attention to achieving racial justice in our country. With this growing understanding, economic security and racial justice policies—including on fair pay, childcare, sick days, paid family leave, immigration policy and ending police brutality and mass incarceration—are playing a major role in this elections. During the election season, we have tremendous power to to focus the spotlight on advancing effective policies that move our nation forward. We’ll talk about why now and cover the how-to during this panel.

Led by: Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner

Panelists: Monifa Bandele, Greisa Martinez, Vicki Shabo, María Urbina

Virtual Reality Experience: Across the Line

This immersive VR experience puts the audience on the scene with anti-abortion extremists trying to intimidate patients seeking sexual and reproductive health care. Using documentary footage and a montage of real audio, viewers gain intimate knowledge of the harassment outside and compassion inside health centers across the country.

Master Class: NGP VAN

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. Feel free to bring tool-specific questions to the session.

This Master Class focuses on harnessing the power our tools that make an organizer’s workflow more efficient and help improve the quality of and access to data on our platforms. We’ll review the latest techniques on everything from more efficient list creation, segmenting contact universes into Turf, as well as streamlined ways of quickly getting these universes into the hands of volunteers and activists (such as the indispensable Virtual Phone Bank, including Open VPB, which configures a call list to be publicly available within seconds) and our widely-used MiniVAN mobile canvassing app for iOS and Android devices. In addition, we focus on high level administration of our integrated phone services and social organizing tool.


Trainers: Amanda Coulombe, Chelsea Peterson

Not Your Wedge Issue: The State of Abortion Access and Reproductive Justice

Abortion is not a wedge issue. Abortion is health care, a constitutionally guaranteed right that for far too many people in far too many states is now a right in name only. Join us for a plenary session to explore the state of abortion access and reproductive justice. Hear from reproductive justice and abortion rights activists about their work, what’s at stake, and how move from celebrating compromise as victory to winning.

Check out highlights from the session, as told by Netroots Nation attendees.

Panelists: Laura Jimenez, Pamela Merritt, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Aimee Thorne-Thompson, Lizz Winstead

TPP: Trade "Trump-ing" the Election [Voter Pick]

Voters’ opposition to job-killing trade policies has fueled the surge of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has generated an unprecedented diverse opposition movement reflective of its potential to negatively affect all our lives. This panel will explore how growing public ire about job-killing trade policies will shape the election and our ability to combat issues like climate change and income inequality. The elite political class has systematically misread the depth of voters’ ire about the harm done by 20 years of NAFTA-style trade deals supported by Democratic and GOP presidents. Or are they dismissing voters’ anger as ill-informed even as economists that supported past pacts increasingly oppose the TPP?

Led by: Lori Wallach

Panelists: Rep. Rosa DeLauro, Keith Ellison, Stan Greenberg, Ilana Solomon, Bill Spriggs

Second Nature: Design to Grab Attention in Seconds

Why’d you stop and like that article in your Facebook feed? What made you notice that billboard? Why do you love reaction gifs? In an ever-growing world of stimuli, what are some tricks you can use to capture attention for your page, your cause or your candidate? Learn how artists throughout history have taken advantage of human behavior to grab your attention and keep it. We’ll cover how humans process visual information and how design can help motivate people to action. This training will cover the basics of photo-based design and help you improve the visuals of your cause, campaign or business.

This training is for both beginners and intermediate designers/communication professionals who want to improve their design and communication skills.

Trainers: Candice Dayoan

Building Decentralized Networks in Social Movements

How do the mass popular social movements of our time, from Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter, create new opportunities for decision-makers, organizations and political figures to make social, political and economic change possible? How can organizing in these decentralized movements help us learn how to create the just world we want? In this session, Movement Netlab, a think tank created by and for activists, will share a theory of how decentralized social movements function, and how our entire movement ecosystem can lay the groundwork for our future.

This training is inclusive of all skill levels. The intended audience should have some familiarity with nonprofits, coalitions, digital community organizing and/or social justice movements.

Trainers: Autumn Marie, Arielle Newton

Campaign Strategy: How to Pick Your Target and Powermap Your Way to Victory

That the way to win at football is to put more points on the board than your opponent does. However, the hallmark of a great coach is the ability to figure out how to do that. Do you focus on defense and deny your opponent points? Do you focus on offense and running up the score? The answers to these questions transform a run-of-the-mill coach—or organizer!—into a great one. In this training, we’ll teach you not only what questions to ask, but also how to answer them to create a winning campaign strategy. Using your own campaign examples, we’ll teach you how to pick your target and powermap your way to victory.

This is an introductory training on grassroots organizing/campaigns. This training is best suited for organizers or campaigners who have some experience either volunteering on campaign or creating campaigns themselves.

Trainers: Anthony Rogers-Wright, Lucy Sedgwick

From Dylann Roof to @realDonaldTrump: How the Web is Used to Recruit, Raise Money and Spread Hate

Dylann Roof, the terrorist responsible for the Charleston massacre in June of 2015, is likely the first violent right-wing extremist to have been radicalized entirely online. His entry into the world of racist propaganda came courtesy of a savvy web master who used Google News to create alarm around a so-called “epidemic” of black-on-white crime. Similarly savvy white nationalists and members of the new “Alt-Right” movement use culture jamming tactics on Facebook and Twitter to inject racist memes like #WhiteGenocide into popular political and cultural discussions. And, of course, @realDonaldTrump retweets them all to his 5 million-plus followers. Join members of the Southern Poverty Law Center and other experts to discuss how haters operate.

Led by: Angbeen Saleem

Panelists: Jessie Daniels, Keegan Hankes, Vidhya Ramalingam

How Youth Activists are Using Civil Rights Frameworks to Advance a Radical Vision for Equality on College Campuses

Think civil rights laws are gathering dust on the shelf? Think again! A new generation of youth activists are creatively using civil rights frameworks and legal tools to advance a radical, intersectional vision of equality, safety and justice on campus. Disability justice advocates are using Title II to fight for disabled students, and anti-rape advocates are using civil rights laws to strengthen non-carceral responses to sexual violence. Trans youth fight for safety and access under Title IX as students of color use Title VI to combat racial discrimination on campus and draw on the anti-segregation movement to advance educational access for undocumented youth. Join us to discuss the power and possibility of these bold strategies.

Led by: Zoe Ridolfi-Starr

Panelists: Lydia Brown, Andy Kim, Shane Windmeyer

The Democratic Marketplace for Women: How Women are Leading the Way for More Women to be Elected

Amazing organizations like Emerge, Close the Gap, Ready to Run and VoteRunLead are recruiting and training women to be great candidates, but the start-to-finish campaign marketplace remains fractured. This panel will look at the state of the democratic “farm team,” especially for women; where we are today; and what can be done to make sure we not only train women but get them elected to office with the resources they need. This panel of women run the gamut in experience getting women to run for office and what it takes to win.

Led by: Liz Jaff

Panelists: Kimberly Ellis, Kate Maeder, Emily Schwartz

Expanding the Media Narrative around Paid Family and Medical Leave

The media narrative around Paid Family and Medical Leave has largely highlighted heterosexual, married, professional white women who want to “have it all” by having children and a career. This panel highlights the family caregiving stories of members of our own broad progressive community and connects those stories to the facts about families in America. In this session, we will create a new narrative for the American family to inform our movement’s work to advance paid family and medical leave, along with other policies that strengthen our families.

This panel is organized by PL+US and Family Story

Led by: Mia Birdsong

Panelists: Monifa Bandele, Kimberly 'Dr. Goddess' Ellis, Sabrina Hersi Issa

Rejecting the Pale, Male and Stale Leadership Pipeline: A Roadmap to Building Inclusive Organizations

It’s not good enough to have all cis-white male leadership in organizations that do social justice work. Many youth organizations have figured out how to center people of color, queer folks and women who are directly affected by the issues we work on as leaders, volunteers and staff. While some organizations have gone through elaborate processes to achieve equity and inclusion, others have centered their core mission and values to uplift the new American majority and have successfully grown their membership. Join this workshop to hear best practices around our approach to changing organizational culture, leadership and membership to reflect the people we serve.

Led by: Brenna Ross

Panelists: Hemly Ordonez, Angela Peoples, Catalina Velasquez, Jamal Watkins

#TalkingWhileBlack: Recognizing and Combating LGBTQ Racism

If we are ever to achieve full equality, we must figure out how to strengthen our bonds while standing firm in demanding respect for our unique Black culture and history within the LGBTQ struggle. Join us for this interactive panel that looks at anti-Blackness, Black Lives Matter, and white supremacy in relation to the LGBTQ community from a humorous perspective. We’ll talk and lol about how to address the community’s racism in a positive, uplifting, educational and fun manner.

Panelists: Faith Cheltenham, Reuben Hayslett, Monica Roberts, Ashton P. Woods

Your 2016 Tool Kit: How Technology Is Transforming the Way We Run (and Win!) Down Ballot Races

With a targeted focus on down ballot races, our goal is to facilitate an informative discussion on the ways in which campaign staff and organizers can take advantage of better data, innovative tools and proven strategies as they organize in their local communities. With new tools, better data and evolving digital strategies, this panel will illustrate how technology is bringing large budget, top-of-the-ticket best practices to down ballot races.

Led by: Raven Brooks

Panelists: Chelsea Peterson, Russ Swindell, Danielle Winterhalter

All About Email: Best Practices for an Effective Email Program

Want to improve your non-profit or campaign’s engagement? Wondering about best practices for writing advocacy and donation emails? Join us for a training on email best practices! This training is for non-profit or campaign staffers who are in charge of their first mass email program. Prior mass email writing knowledge is helpful but not required.

Trainers: Drew Hudson, Laura Packard

Screening: Abortion: Stories Women Tell

In 1973, the US Supreme court decision Roe v. Wade gave every woman the right to have an abortion. Since 2011, over half the states in the nation have significantly restricted access to abortions. In 2016, abortion remains one of the most divisive issues in America, especially in Missouri, where each year sees more restrictions. Award-winning director and Missouri native Tracy Droz Tragos sheds new light on the contentious issue, with a focus not on the debate, but rather on the women themselves: those struggling with unplanned pregnancies, the providers who show up at clinics to give medical care and the activists on the sidewalks hoping to sway decisions and lives.

Courtesy of HBO Documentary Films.

Led by: Erin King, MD, Tracy Droz Tragos

America's Next Top Model (sponsored training)

As campaigns big and small, national and local, survey their resources and needs they often arrive at a similar place: “We need a model.” But that doesn’t always require building one from scratch. We will provide attendees a basic training on the models that already exist, how best to use them in your program, and how to assess when a custom model is needed. Models are potent tools in campaigns and making sure you use and maximize your resources is essential.

This training is suitable for new and experienced political operatives, strategists, and data managers.

This training is sponsored by Catalist.

Trainers: Riki Conrey, Michael Frias

New Tools Shootout

We’re excited to be bringing the New Tools Shootout back to Netroots Nation again.

Come learn about the latest voting, organizing, campaigning, make-the-world-a-better-place technology solution and vote for the best ones.

The New Tools Shootout is a great way for everyone to get the inside stories on new tools that are being designed and built, the impact they’re already having on campaigns and organizations, and what they can do to help you become a more powerful and more effective activist and leader.

The event is sponsored by New Media Ventures and Netroots Nation. At the event, selected presenters will make a live pitch for their app, product or technology. Attendees will vote on their favorites in each category and for an overall winner. Winners will have bragging rights for the next year!

We're Taking on Wall Street and the Big Banks

It’s no secret that Wall Street billionaires have rigged our economy and our democracy. Come learn about the exciting next stage of Wall Street reform from the activists and elected officials who are on the front lines. We’ll discuss innovative programs to engage millions of Americans and our plan to pass key pieces of legislation that will help us fix our financial system and make it work for ordinary Americans.


Led by: Jon Green

Panelists: Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Brenda Goins, Renata Pumarol, Jessica Ramirez, Bret Thompson

The Latest in Civic Engagement: How Tech Can Supercharge Your Grassroots Operation [Voter Pick]

The term “grassroots” has been used to describe the political might of everyday people for more than 100 years; however, a rising tide of 21st century tools is forever changing the way we think about engaging our communities. Join us for an exploration of how traditional cornerstones of grassroots movements can be accomplished more quickly and effectively than ever before. This fun and interactive demonstration will cover the latest technologies in civic engagement and how those tools can help you collect powerful data through direct communication with your community—data that can then be used to drive growth, participation, fundraising and awareness while measuring the impact of your efforts.

The training is intended for a broad audience—those curious about civic technology and how it can help amplify a cause, as well as those looking for new ways of approaching an industry that is ripe for innovation. The skill level of this training starts at a basic level but dives into information that even seasoned organizers can use.

Trainers: Alex Schreiner

Extreme Makeover, Website Edition: How to Optimize Your Website and Reach Your Campaign, Fundraising and Engagement Goals

Websites are an integral way to communicate with your audience and engage them to take action, from signing petitions to donating money to spreading the word about your organization. But most people don’t know how to lay out their website to get more supporters to sign those petitions, donate that money and spread the word. We’ll walk you through best practices in website design, including how best to lay out a form, how to get someone to click a button, how to best orient your audience around a campaign and why it’s important for your website to be responsive.

This training is suited for anyone who wants to learn more about how they can leverage a website to be a tool for increasing engagement, fundraising and outcomes. This session is open to any position, not just designers and developers.

Trainers: Debra Cleaver, Cindy Phan

Action into Being: Growing as an Ally

The struggle for liberation is beautiful—and hard. We may intellectually understand or spiritually believe that, as Desmond Tutu says, “My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in yours.” But when it comes to joining hands and locking elbows, there are groups of people we often don’t include. We might share/retweet or have an intellectual conversation about racism, but we don’t always show up when it really counts. What does it mean to value those with whom we don’t share identity? Join us as we examine the places in which our attachment to privilege and power is getting in the way of creating the kind of world we want.

This training is intended for white people but may be useful for anyone working to address the ways in which oppression is perpetuated (sexism, transphobia, abelism, ageism, etc.). We expect participants will have some understanding of what white supremacy in a progressive setting looks like.

Trainers: Mia Birdsong, Mariana Ruiz Firmat

ALEC's Three-pronged Attack on Working Families and Communities of Color

The Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has relentlessly promoted a toxic brew of steep tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, cuts to health care and the social safety net, and union busting and wage suppression measures—all with profound consequences for working families and particularly communities of color. Since 2013, some 40 localities have approved minimum wages above the federal level, but ALEC is fighting to reverse this progress and prohibit localities from raising the wage. ALEC politicians are attempting the same preemption strategy for paid sick days and LBGTQ rights. This agenda is only deepening poverty in many states. Join us as we discuss the consequences of this toxic brew and talk about the tactics that have been successful in fighting back.


Led by: Rep. Rosa DeLauro

Panelists: Lisa Graves, Carol Joyner, Sherrette Spicer

November 9, 2016: How to Translate Millennial GOTV to Millennial Power

Young people continue to be a lightning rod in politics. Some believe they’re the future of the left, while others point to their unreliability in electoral politics as a reason to not invest in their long-term political power. This election cycle has seen its fair share of generational strife, complicating effective engagement strategies. Four young leaders of different organizations and movements will shed some light, offering insight on how we can ensure demographics are destiny for the progressive movement. They’ll challenge the audience and larger movement to integrate the next generation into their work as powerful actors while supporting Millennial-led organizations and movements to translate mobilization to sustained power. What can we do leading up to and post November to entrench Millennials as a political force?

Led by: Michelle Romero

Panelists: Joelle Gamble, Greisa Martinez, Denzel McCampbell, Becca Rast

Local Stepping Stones: Electing People of Color, LGBT Leaders and Progressive Women at the State and Local Levels

State level races, from state house to county and city offices, reflect the future of the Democratic party. When Ferguson erupted post-Michael Brown, many wondered: why does the city council not look like its community? That same question can be asked nationwide. Electing more people of color, LGBT individuals and progressive women to serve in local and state offices is how we build the party of the future.

Led by: Chris Reeves

Panelists: Patricia Bynes, Elise Higgins, Sandra Meade, Michael Poppa, Rep. Mark Takano

#ExxonKnew: Uncovering Decades of Climate Deception and Political Pollution

In the 1970s, climate scientists at Exxon warned their bosses that oil could bring about catastrophic global warming. Instead of acting to protect humanity, Exxon decided to corrupt our democracy to protect its profits while the planet’s climate destabilized. Panelists will discuss whether ExxonMobil and the rest of the fossil-fuel industry can be brought to justice—as Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have called for—much as the tobacco industry was for its deadly deception. We’ll also talk about how to mobilize to restore the democratic institutions that have been polluted by Exxon’s decades-long campaign.

Led by: Brad Johnson

Panelists: Lydia Avila, Sharon Eubanks, Ted Lieu

Authentically Engaging with Trans* Leadership in Progressive Organizing

At least 23 trans* and gender non-conforming people were murdered in 2015, and at least 6 have been murdered in 2016—the vast majority of whom were trans* women of color, and many of whom were immigrants, people with HIV and/or trans* disabled people. One in 4 trans* people have experienced violence, and 47 percent of trans* people have attempted suicide. Trans* people across the U.S. are leading the efforts to end this violence. On this panel, organizers who are trans* people of color, trans* disabled people, trans* immigrants and trans* people who are HIV positive will share their work. We’ll also address hate violence, intimate partner violence, ending laws that criminalize our lives, HIV, disability, organizing in the South and racial justice.

Led by: Kayley Whalen

Panelists: Lydia Brown, Arianna Lint, LaLa Zannell

#AskaSista: Black Women Muse on Politics, Policy, Pop Culture and Scholarship

Ella Baker’s practice of “participatory democracy” has shaped grassroots organizing models from SNCC to #Occupy to #BlackLivesMatter. The #Ferguson police and the DOJ. Loretta Lynch is now Attorney General and Michelle Obama is still our First Lady. Marilyn Mosby is still prosecuting six police officers for #FreddieGray in Baltimore. Erica Garner endorsed Bernie Sanders while her mother and other “Mothers of the Movement” endorsed Hillary Clinton. Donna Edwards has run for the Senate. The Supreme Court has an opening. Will a Black woman finally be appointed? Meanwhile, Black women are still the largest democratic voting bloc, yet remain inadequately represented in online and offline campaigns. Now in its sixth year, you’d betta #AskaSista.

Panelists: Lizz Brown, Kimberly 'Dr. Goddess' Ellis, Elle Hearns, Natalie Jackson, Nina Turner

Welcome to the Police State: How Islamophobia Became Everyone's Problem

Since 9/11, officials have used the specter of Muslim terrorists to justify an ever-expanding police state. We’re fed a steady stream of FBI-manufactured plots, exaggerated threats and blanket otherization of Muslims. In the name of protecting us from these vague yet ever-present threats, governments have implemented policies that affect all Americans, including omnipresent surveillance, draconian immigration programs and the use of counter-terrorism resources to intimidate and silence activists. The level of government resources and authority to spy, abuse, detain and disappear has never been greater. We cannot effectively campaign against the police state until we dismantle the Islamophobic policies and narratives that underpin it.

Led by: Linda Sarsour

Panelists: Dante Berry, Shahid Buttar, Dawud Walid, Vincent Warren

Model Minority Mutiny: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Center Our Racial Identities and Solidarities

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders continue to be used as a wedge for racial justice and stereotyped as the model minority. Despite this, people are standing up, taking action and organizing to advance worker, immigrant and civil rights. Join us for a discussion about the opportunities and challenges facing Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in movements for racial justice. How are Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders amplifying their racial identities especially in a time of demographic change? How are they asserting and centering their solidarities with other communities of color including with the movement for Black lives and the movement led by undocumented youth?

Led by: Gregory Cendana

Panelists: Eileen Cheong, Deepa Iyer, Kabzuag Vaj

Ending the Endless War and Advancing a Progressive Global Vision

For too long, the progressive movement writ large has largely ignored foreign policy while neocons and war hawks have set our country’s agenda. We must as a movement join together to push back on the ever-escalating militarism in the Middle East and around the world. Join us as we discuss practical solutions and organizing strategies to counter U.S. militarism and transform U.S. engagement with the world. We’ll talk about how to push our Congressional allies to end drone warfare and how to mobilize support for a diplomatic solution to the Syrian civil war, among other goals.

Led by: Kate Gould

Panelists: Keith Ellison, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Yasmine Taeb

Film, Storytelling and the Fight for Abortion Rights

The filmmakers and presenters of “Across the Line” and “Abortion: Stories Women Tell” will participate in a conversation about their work and the role of film in the current fight over women’s health and reproductive rights.

Led by: Emily Figdor

Panelists: Erin King, MD, Brad Lichtenstein, Kristen Tilley, Tracy Droz Tragos

Chewbacca Mom Takeover: The Future of Online Organizing

There is power in everyday people being able to take over the Internet with their joy, their pain and their authentic lives. Facebook Live launched in April and, one month later, Chewbacca Mom broke the Internet with more than 33 million views. Social media challenges us to change, stay connected and engage. How do we support individuals, moms and movements being led by communities of color breaking the news all around us? What new tools are coming online? What do we need to build or be funded? What techniques will or won’t continue to work in offline-to-online movement building and awareness/action campaigns? This training session will answer these questions and more.

Trainers: Hemly Ordonez

Closing Keynote

Join us for our closing keynote and a final few words to inspire you as you get ready to head back home and work for change. You’ll hear from speakers including Rep. Keith Ellison and NYT bestselling author Steve Phillips about the importance of fighting together for equality and progress (and against Donald Trump), plus Secretary Clinton will make a special policy announcement via video just for Netroots attendees. You’ll also hear from Equality Florida’s Carlos Guillermo Smith, who will share stories and experiences from his hometown of Orlando. We’ll also be joined by Joseph Geevarghese and Brittany Butler with Good Jobs Nation who will tell us how we can end the U.S. Government’s role as America’s #1 low-wage creator.

Watch the video from Secretary Clinton:

Watch the video from President Obama:

Check out the highlights, as told by Netroots Nation attendees.


Screening: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Follow gonzo investigative reporter Greg Palast (BBC, Rolling Stone) as he busts the new Ku Klux Klan – the billionaire bandits that are behind a scheme to purge one million voters of color in November.

With the help of Willie Nelson, Rosario Dawson, and detectives Ice-T and Richard Belzer, Palast tracks down the secret billionaires behind Donald Trump. His investigation goes from the Artic where Palast is clued in to the heist by a foul-mouthed Eskimo, then on to a speed boat to a high class event in the Hamptons, and finally a jump on the ballot rustler known as “The Vulture.”

With Palast’s inimitable style (“funnier than Michael Moore, more substantial than Naomi Klein” – The Guardian) and cartoons by the man who drew “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” this is not just a documentary – it is a non-fiction, real life, high stakes detective mission. Palast, says Jim Hightower, is “[a] cross between Sam Spade and Sherlock Holmes” and this investigation shows just how true that statement is. Joined by his sidekick Ms. Badpenny, Palast names the ballot bandits and shines a light on the shadowy tactics employed by the GOP officials that do their bidding.

Greg Palast is an investigative reporter for the BBC and the Guardian who busted Katherine Harris’ fake felon purge that stole the election for Bush in 2000. His work has been called “courageous reporting” (Michael Moore) that is funny, heartbreaking, and loaded with “facts like hand grenades” (John Pilger)

Seating is limited; please RSVP at http://bit.ly/PalastNetRoots.

For more information on “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy,” press inquiries, or to order a screener, please contact Christopher Lee at info@gregpalast.com.

Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Fuel the Revolution: The Closing Night Party

We know #NN16 will inspire you to head home and change the world. But before you go, come party one last time with us! Enjoy live music, cold drinks, warm hugs and more with new friends and old at our closing night party featuring Bell’s Roar, Ryan Harvey and Son of Nun. The party is at 400 Washington. Special thanks to Firebrand Records. Sponsored by Amnesty International.

BellsroarBell’s Roar began with just a guitar and a voice. Over the years Sean Desiree has transformed her solo project by fully taking advantage of her skills as a drummer, bassists and ultimately a producer. Her approach to music is DIY not because of its ecstatic, but because it’s how she keeps her voice ever-present. The music is rooted in a melodic feel, but the beats transform it into energetic and dynamic electronic compositions.



With tRyanHarveyPhoto1he unplugged story-telling of traditional American folk music and the compassionate alarm of early political punk, Ryan Harvey is situated between the streets, the barricades, the radical bookstores and cafes, and the DIY basement show. Organizing with those involved with direct action on the ground, Ryan recently spent time in Lesvos, Greece carrying out refugee search, rescue and relief. In June 2015, Harvey launched Firebrand Records with Tom Morello to build a platform for radical political artists globally.


Son of NunSon of Nun doesn’t just entertain, he empowers. His lyrics are rooted in the movements he’s fought with; he’s at the meeting, the protest, the action, and the mic. S.O.N. has rocked shows with Dead Prez, Immortal Technique, The Coup, Tom Morello, and Rage Against the Machine. He’s shared the stage w/ activists like exonerated former death row inmates Shujaa Graham and Darby Tillis, Black Lives Matter student leader Makayla Gilliam-Price, and the late great historian Howard Zinn. As an activist and organizer, he has rolled with student leaders of the Baltimore Algebra Project, the United Workers, the Right to Housing Alliance in Baltimore, among others.