Joanne Bamberger, author, journalist, political/media strategist & recovering attorney, is the author of Mothers of Intention: How Women & Social Media are Revolutionizing Politics in America. She is the publisher of The Broad Side, a digital magazine of women’s commentary. A new media expert & authority on women’s political involvement, Joanne has written for AOL’s Politics Daily, CNN.com, USA Today, the Washington Post, & more. Her commentary has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Good Morning America, among others. Joanne was awarded the 2013 Campaign Tech Advocacy Innovator award for her research/writing on the direct & indirect affect women in non-political online venues have on political & policy discussion. In 2011, she was one of Working Mother Magazine’s Most Powerful Women in Social Media & was nominated for the Women’s Media Center Social Media Award. As a consultant, she works with various organizations to connect them women online influencers.